

SOCU Pearls Galore: AD, HS, Hair Care in SOC, and Medication Compliance Among Teens

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Skin of Color Update Q&A Session Pearls

Source: Next Steps in Derm

The following is a summary of one of the many Q&A sessions held during the 2020 Skin of Color Virtual Update. During this particular session, questions were moderated by SOCU Co-Chair Dr. Andrew Alexis and answered by Drs. Ginette Okoye and Candrice Heath. The audience posed important questions and the faculty offered insightful answers regarding atopic dermatitis, hidradenitis suppurativa, hairstyle recommendations for patients with traction alopecia and follicular disorders,  and medication compliance among teens.

Q1. Dr. Alexis: “Dr. Okoye, when do you use spironolactone for Hidradenitis Suppurativa and when do you consider it for patients? What has been your experience?”

A1. Dr. Okoye: “Thank you for your question. Spironolactone like metformin is a good adjunct for other treatments with HS. I really never use it alone. It’s not a slam dunk by any means. I combine it with other modalities like metformin or a biologic or even antibiotics. I prefer to use spironolactone in patients who report flair with their menses. I specifically target these patients. I usually start at 50 mg/day or 100 mg/day, depending on their weight, intending to go as high as 200 mg/day.  If they can tolerate it, I will leave them on that. It is one of the many layers as I mentioned.”

Q2. Dr. Alexis: “Excellent. Staying on the same theme of HS, a real burning question a lot of us have is what if you’ve tried adalimumab for HS and it’s not working? What do you do next?”

A2. Dr. Okoye: “There are 3 types of people who receive adalimumab. There are patients with a nice response who get about 50 percent or maybe a little bit more. There are patients that are the same and nothing happens, according to the patient, and then there are people who seem to get worse. For the latter two groups, I try to stick with a biologic and attack a different pole of the immune system. My next option is usually Utsekinumab. First, because it is not a TNF alpha inhibitor and second, it has weight-based dosing, I can use a higher dose and use it every 4 weeks if I can get it covered. I’ve also had better luck getting it covered by insurance than the other biologics. I would say maybe a year or two ago, my next option may have been infliximab but if I find a patient does not respond to adalimumab that TNF alpha pole of the disease may not be as active in that person so I tend not to use infliximab in those patients anymore.”

Q3. Dr. Alexis: “Thank you. That’s very helpful. I’m going to give you one last HS question for the time being before we shift gears. This is a practical one in terms of diagnostic criteria for HS. The audience member says he or she has a lot of patients who have recurrent folliculitis of the thighs with one or more comedones in the area and would this be considered an HS variant?”

A3Dr. Okoye: “Well, it depends. In order to diagnose someone with HS, we need to have typical HS lesions in typical HS locations (intertriginous areas) and they need to have recurrences. Some of these lesions include abscesses and sinus tracts.  Follicular papules and follicular pustules can be one of those typical lesions of HS, in my opinion. There are different subtypes of HS. One of them is called follicular subtype with more of a folliculitis type picture and they can have epidermal inclusion cysts and comedones. So yes, I suspect that your patient does have HS, just this particular subtype.”

Q4. Dr. Alexis: “Terrific, thank you. Now over to Dr. Heath. A general but very practical question. What pearls do you have for addressing medication compliance among teens since we know that is a unique group with unique challenges?”

A4. Dr. Heath: “Absolutely. I love the teenage population. One of my biggest tips is definitely to let them off the hook. So, what I mean by that is let them know they don’t have to do the regimen every single day. Say this in front of the parents so that skin disease does not become a battle at home. If the parents are not bugging them about it all the time, and the kid actually does commit to using it a few times and see some improvement, then I definitely let them know “great, you made and effort, let’s try to step it up if you can”. This strategy helps decrease the battle between parents and teens. Also, get them engaged in the visit. It is their skin so I speak directly to the teenager, especially if the parent is answering a lot about the patient’s health history questions, in which case I politely stop them and tell them that I really want to hear from the patient (and say the patient’s name). This makes them feel that it is their body and a really important time in their life where they can start to feel independence and positivity around seeking health care in general. One other tip is, once I give them step by step instructions to follow, I ask them to snap a picture with their cell phone or give them the idea of hanging the directions on the mirror in the bathroom, which can serve as a reminder. Those are just a few tips!”

Q5.  Dr. Alexis: “Another question for you Dr. Heath, about hair. What hairstyles do you typically recommend to patients and their families in the context of traction alopecia and follicular disorders that you see commonly in SOC and do you partner with any salons in the area?”

A5. Dr. Heath: “This is a very important question.  Not everyone is well versed in what is the cool hairstyle of the day. I simply start with whatever hairstyle you choose if it hurts, I would like for you to stop or loosen it. Also, if braids or cornrows are being used, I ask them “what about making the hairstyle already look like it’s one or two weeks old?”. This gives them a visual of how loose the braids should be to the scalp. I have not given a specific hairstyle, but I have given them some guidance. If it hurts, then you should stop or modify, and if it requires braids close to the scalp make it look older. Another example is doing crochet braids. This hairstyle involves hair being braided back and then just like you are knitting, very lightweight hair is attached to the braids going back. Often this is done with synthetic hair and the style doesn’t last as long as with regular human hair. So this does two things: 1) I have instructed them to use a hair that is now lighter, and a hairstyle that will self-destruct way sooner than something they would have spent 300 dollars on, so they would feel more comfortable replacing it because they didn’t spend that much. With regards to partnering with salons, if you’re new to a specific area or you’re just venturing out with skin of color and you want to give them more resources, one great place to start is online. I’m active on social media and a lot of salons and hairstylists will put their work online. I examine their work and look at the content they produce to see if we have the same hair values. See if they’re talking about healthy hair or if they have hairstyles that look too tight. Sometimes it can take time. Don’t rush it. Ask your patients who have very well-maintained hair that does not look tight: “Oh who does your hair? They’re doing a great job on their side while we are treating you medically.” You can make a list and go online and look these people up. You can talk to them or stop by. It helps them to know that you are invested in this person getting better and you’d love for them to have the client for a long time. But if the client doesn’t have any hair, they won’t be able to go there for a long time., so we (both parties) have a common goal”.

A5. Dr. Alexis: “Similar approaches have worked for me. Sometimes I will get patients who have very early CCCA/traction alopecia sent by the stylist and I want to know who that stylist is! I have a handful of excellent ones who can diagnose it early I have a very good relationship with them!”

Q6. Dr. Alexis: “I have some questions for myself that I’m going to take about atopic dermatitis.  One question that I have is about hyperpigmentation and lichenification left behind from an atopic dermatitis flare. How do you manage the pigmentary sequelae?”

A6. Dr. Alexis: “This is really an area where we want to educate the patient on the importance of treating the underlying cause of the pigmentary sequelae. There is no use in chasing after hyperpigmentation without actually controlling the chronic, underlying inflammatory disease that is atopic dermatitis. So really emphasize the core aspects of treating the active disease. As far as treating the pigmentation itself, you are left with an area of persistent post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. My treatment of that is delayed action. Why? Because many of the skin lightening agents that we would consider can be irritating to the skin especially in the context of someone who has a compromised barrier as an atopic dermatitis patient would. The endpoint for knowing when is the time to consider a bleaching agent is when I or the patient palpate the area and it’s completely smooth and there is no elevation, scaling,  any sign of erythema whatsoever, no pruritus and it is just a persistent hyperpigmented macule or a patch, that persisted there for at least four weeks after the last activity. That’s when you want to consider a bleaching agent, not before. Really leveraging the non-corticosteroid topical agents such as TCIs, PDE4 inhibitors, and also if it’s a more moderate to severe patient, systemic agents like Dupilumab really can improve the sequalae too, anecdotally, because if you control the underlying inflammatory pathways there is less development of new areas of dyspigmentation and you have a better opportunity to clear the pigmentation that does occur.”

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Alopecia in Skin of Color: Alternative Therapies

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Alopecia in Skin of Color Dermatology Conference

Source: Next Steps in Derm

Management of alopecia in skin of color is challenging due to a paucity of research into its pathophysiology coupled with a poor understanding of the basic hair care practices in this patient population. For the patient, it is often associated with severe emotional distress. Unfortunately, many forms of hair loss are refractory to standard therapies.

At the 2020 Skin of Color Virtual UpdateDr. Crystal Aguh highlighted emerging therapies for various forms of alopecia in skin of color as our understanding of these conditions continue to unfold.

Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia (CCCA) is the prototypical form of hair loss in black women. It is a progressive form of scarring alopecia where fibrosis, not inflammation, is the predominant finding. The literature supports preferential expression of fibroproliferative genes in patients with CCCA. In fact, Dr. Aguh’s group demonstrated that PRKAA2, a gene that encodes for adenosine monophosphate kinase (AMPK), was under-expressed by a 1/3 in CCCA scalp samples.

So why metformin?

Reduced activity of AMPK is also implicated in the pathogenesis of hepatic fibrosis and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. In mouse model of IPF, metformin was found to reverse and accelerate resolution of the fibrotic processes via deactivation and apoptosis of myofibroblasts through AMPK activation.

    • Dosage: 10-20% Topical Metformin compounded in lipoderm once daily.
    • At that concentration, there is limited systemic absorption.
    • Main side effects are scalp dryness and irritation. Dr. Aguh recommends applying light oil (olive or Jojoba) coat to scalp to help with irritation and dryness.
    • It works 10-15 % of the time.

Another form of alopecia that disproportionately affects women is Lichen planopilaris (LPP). LPP is an inflammatory form of primary scarring alopecia. Signs of clinical activity include follicular hyperkeratosis, perifollicular erythema, and loss of follicular ostia. Patients also report loss of body hair. Meanwhile frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA) is a subtype of lichen planopilaris characterized by slow recession of the frontal and bitemporal hairline. Dr. Aguh highlighted two adjunctive options for the treatment of LPP and FFA for patients who have failed standard therapies.

1. Naltrexone

    • mu-opioid receptor antagonist currently FDA approved for the treatment of opioid and alcohol dependence. In dermatology, it has been used off-label for the treatment of pruritus and as an anti-inflammatory agent.
    • It is hypothesized that lower than standard doses of naltrexone inhibits cellular proliferation of T and B cells and block Toll-like receptor 4, resulting in an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
    • In one case series of four patients with LPP, use of naltrexone led to reduction in symptoms of pruritus, clinical evidence of inflammation of the scalp, and disease progression.
    • Dose: 3 mg daily
    • Drawback: 3 mg pills have to be compounded as the standard pill comes in 50 mg

2. 3% Tacrolimus cleanser (in Cetaphil cleanser)

    • Tacrolimus is a commonly anti-inflammatory agent for inflammatory skin conditions including lichen planopilaris.
    • Higher strengths of tacrolimus can be compounded to improve efficacy.
    • One retrospective study demonstrated that patients treated with 0.3% tacrolimus were significantly more likely to stabilize in 3 months compared with patients treated with clobetasol/betamethasone.
    • Drawback: very expensive. It costs about $120 for 30 ml of cleanser.

Acquired Trichorrhexis Nodosa (ATN) is a recurrent hair breakage that occurs as a result of damaging hair practices. Common culprits include chemical relaxers, thermal styling, and hair coloring. Patients will often complain of lack of hair growth. It can involve all parts of the scalp but nape of the neck is often affected. Dr. Aguh’s stressed that proper hair care is key for successful treatment. She proposed the following regimen for curly damaged hair:

    • Apply protein treatment to dry or damp hair. Cover with shower cap or heating source for 30 minutes.
    • Wash hair once weekly with gentle shampoo (sulfate-free or containing a gentle sulfate)
    • Deep condition with every shampoo. Follow deep conditioning with moisturizing rinse-out conditioner.
    • Add leave in conditioner after washing, at least 3x/week. Glycerin based leave in conditioners can be especially helpful for very dry hair
    • End washing session with light oil.

Traction Alopecia is another very common form of hair loss, especially in black women. It is likely due to the curly hair type, intrinsic low density of the hair at baseline as well as hairstyle practices. Dr. Aguh found that oral minoxidil, in lieu of topical minoxidil, is very effective for this type of hair loss.

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Skin of Color Update 2020 Moves to Virtual Experience

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SOCU 2020 virtual



Live sessions to be held September 12-13

New York (June 30, 2020) – Skin of Color Update, the largest medical education event focused on the dermatologic treatment of skin of color, is moving its 2020 event from an in-person to a virtual experience. The event will still be held September 12-13.

“We’ve made this difficult decision as a result of our goal to keep everyone safe, which was backed up by the wishes of the audience as demonstrated in a survey answered by more than 300 dermatologists,” said Shelley Tanner, CEO and president of SanovaWorks, which produces Skin of Color Update. “We know our mission of providing evidence-based research and practical pearls for treating skin of color is more important than ever. We are committed to providing the same essential content in a virtual setting.”

The Skin of Color Update agenda has been modified to reflect virtual learning. Live sessions, Q&A, poster sessions and panel discussions are included in the program.

Due to the change to virtual learning, the registration costs have been reduced. Registration is available to most medical professionals for $49. Registration includes unlimited access to on-demand content for the remainder of 2020.

“We hope the reduced costs and ease of attending will allow more dermatologists to learn how to care for the skin, hair and nails of our diversifying population,” said Skin of Color Update co-chair and founding dermatologist Eliot Battle, MD. “Everyone deserves safe and effective care no matter their skin color.”

Co-founding dermatologist Andrew Alexis, MD, also serves as an event co-chair. Common skin, hair and nail conditions in diverse populations will be covered. Sessions will address medical, surgical and cosmetic dermatology.

Skin of Color Update is a product of SanovaWorks, the publisher of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology (JDD) and the producer of the ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetics & Surgical Conference.

CE credits (AMA PRA Category 1™) can be earned. Registration is available at


Skin of Color Update 2020 Goes Virtual

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SOCU virtual 2020

On behalf of Skin of Color Update co-chairs, Andrew Alexis, MD, MPH and Eliot F. Battle, Jr. MD, and conference organizers, we know the past months have been a very challenging time for everyone in our country and around the world and we stand together with you.

Based on the results of our Skin of Color Update audience survey, and with the safety of everyone in mind, we have taken this opportunity to reimagine the meeting for today’s landscape. We have made the decision to change the conference to a virtual learning experience.

This is a difficult, but necessary decision and we appreciate in advance your understanding. The mission of Skin of Color Update Virtual (SOCVU), to provide trending evidence-based research and new practical pearls for treating skin types III-VI, is now more important than ever and we are committed to providing the same essential content in a virtual setting.

Skin of Color Update Virtual will continue to be held virtually on September 12 -13, 2020 with a revised agenda to accommodate the updated setting. Live sessions, Q&A, poster sessions and panel discussions will be included in the program. The full agenda can be found here.

All registrants will receive access to the content, on-demand, following the event through December 31, 2020.

Additional information can be found here. To register for only $49, click here.

Black Lives Matter | A Message From Our CEO

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Black Lives Matter

NEW YORK, (June 3, 2020) –  Shelley Tanner, SanovaWorks (the parent company of Skin of Color Update) CEO/President

The below was sent to the employees of SanovaWorks.

This is an issue we should all be aware of, we should all be engaged in, and we should all be actively fighting together against for a solution. Each company, as a collective of humans, has a responsibility to do everything we can to protect our fellow humans and ensure that we all have access to the things we hold dear. We cannot stand by knowing that our fellow Americans are being targeted unjustly from all angles.

On the heels of the global and national devastation of the coronavirus pandemic, we are witness to the glaring evidence of an epidemic that has existed for hundreds of years in the USA, and that is the systematic racism and injustice against black Americans. The devastation that results from this affects lives in literally every facet: education, careers, health, families, finances, safety, etc.

The pandemic unveiled in clear numbers the disparity between black and white communities in this country, where only 13% of the population are African American, yet represent 23% of the deaths. In some states, like Georgia, African Americans make up little more than 30% of the population, yet almost 50% of deaths are from within this group.

On May 25th this year George Floyd, a black man from Minneapolis who is also a brother, a cousin, a nephew, a friend, a boyfriend, a son, and a fellow human, was murdered in a horrific incident that has reinvigorated people to stand up and say that this is not acceptable, spurring the nationwide protests that are not only just, but also necessary to demand change for a reality that has been accepted through complacency and inaction.

What can we do?

For our employees who are impacted by this, we need to support you. As a team and your friends we are here to back you up.

If you don’t already know how you can personally help, I hope you will take the time to learn what we can all be doing at this time to be a part of the solution. You might feel helpless or overwhelmed by this matter, and feel like there is nothing you can do, but this is part of the problem. Doing nothing is a choice and an action. The support we show for one another matters. One of my friends sent me this article on the weekend, for which I was extremely grateful, as it outlines many things we can all be doing for racial justice.

READ What White People Can do for Racial Justice

President Barack Obama

On June 1, President Obama published an article on how he believes we can use what is happening now as a turning point for real change that is definitely worth the read. In this article there is a link to a very detailed report and toolkit developed while he was in office by the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, along with a dedicated site of resources and organizations to learn about and get involved with.

READ How to Make this Moment The Turning Point for Real Change

Grassroots Organizations

Below is a list of grassroots organizations supporting this cause. I have personally donated, and I encourage you all to consider doing the same. There are many more that I have read about and perhaps that speak to you more personally. I encourage you to look up some of these groups and read about what they are doing.

On Wednesday June 3rd

We as a company will take a moment of silence at 1:30pm ET to reflect on these injustices, and how we personally might help. I would like us all to pause together and show solidarity. For those who choose to sit on their own, know we are with you.

I am committed to ensuring that this is not the end of the conversation for SanovaWorks. Stay tuned for more information and please get in touch with me directly if you have thoughts on this. I welcome all ideas and feedback.

And finally. To ALL of our friends of color: know that we see you, we appreciate you, and we will do everything we can to support you.

Shelley N. Tanner

COVID-19: Special Considerations for the Skin of Color Patient – A Conversation with the Experts

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Register Now
Skin of Color Update and JDD invite you to attend “COVID-19: Special Considerations for the Skin of Color Patient – A Conversation with the Experts”. During this 90-minute webinar, Dr. Andrew Alexis will be joined by skin of color key opinion leaders to discuss special considerations and practical approaches to managing dermatologic disorders in skin of color during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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What’s New In Treatments for Hair Loss with Amy McMichael, MD at the ODAC Dermatology Conference

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During the 2020 ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetic and Surgical Conference, Dr. Amy McMichael, Professor and Chair of Dermatology at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine, sat down with Next Steps in Derm to share important updates regarding treatments on the horizon for the most common forms of hair loss. Dr. McMichael will be presenting at Skin of Color Update 2020 with lectures including Hair & Scalp Disorders in SOC: Diagnostic Approaches and Hot Topics & Controversies in Photoprotection: Making sense of it all.

Click here to view the full Skin of Color Update agenda.


Skin of Color Update audience

Skin of Color Update 2020, Largest CE Event Dedicated to Treatment of Skin Types III – VI, Announces Program and Faculty

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Skin of Color Update 2020 is the largest CE event dedicated to trending evidence-based research and new practical pearls for treating skin types III – VI. The 2020 event will be held September 12 – 13 at a new location, the Sheraton Times Square in New York City.

Skin of Color Update uses a didactic, case-based approach through lectures, hands-on-training and live demonstrations. Sessions will address medical, surgical and cosmetic dermatology. A few sessions this year include:

  • “Conventional and New Treatment Options for Keloids (including LADD) – Expert Panel” with Maritza Perez, MD and Jared Jagdeo, MD
  • Laser Staples & The New Players: Brand Loyalty Aside, This is What the Experts Want You to Know- Panel Conversation” with Eliot Battle, MD, Maritza Perez, MD and Andrew Alexis, MD
  • “Clinical Pearls for Kids, Tweens and Teens with Skin of Color” with Candrice Heath, MD
  • “Hot Topics & Controversies in Photoprotection: Making Sense of it All” with Amy McMichael, MD
  • Hair & Scalp Disorders in SOC: Conventional Treatment Approaches” with Susan Taylor, MD
  • “Dermatologic Concerns, Diseases, and Treatments Unique to Asian Skin” with Hye Jin Chung, MD, MMS
  • Consensus and Misconceptions Regarding the Aesthetic Skin of Color Patient: A Conversation with the Experts” with Andrew Alexis, MD and Maritza Perez, MD
  • “Keys to Connecting with Skin of Color Patients on Social Media” with Candrice Heath, MD
  • “New and Emerging Treatments in Vitiligo

The full agenda can be viewed at

The conference will also offer an exhibit hall featuring companies showcasing the latest innovations in dermatology. A poster session will also be available and up to 13 AMA PRA Category 1™ credit(s) can be earned. Registration is available at

Hispanic Skin Cancer Prevention

Hispanic Tattoo Artists and Skin Cancer Prevention

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Hispanic Tattoo Artists Could Provide Skin Cancer Prevention via Aftercare Instructions and Social Media according to The Journal of Drugs in Dermatology (JDD).

Skin cancer, melanoma and non-melanoma, has increased recently in the Hispanic population.  When diagnosed with melanoma, the overall prognosis is generally worse for Hispanics and it presents at a later stage.

According to the authors, Cristian D. Gonzalez MD et al, the purpose of this study was to explore Hispanic tattoo artists’ skin cancer knowledge, sun safety recommendations, and their willingness to implement primary and secondary skin cancer prevention in their daily work routines.

Interesting to note, all Hispanic tattoo artists used some form of social media, 100% used Facebook and Instagram. Tattoo artists reported that a majority of their clients followed them on Facebook after their tattoo.

Ninety percent of Hispanic tattoo artists felt emotionally invested in their clients. None of the tattoo artists currently recommended sun protection involving the client’s whole body, all of the artists agreed they could influence skin cancer safety in young adults by providing full-body sun protection in their aftercare instruction on social media in English and in Spanish.

To read more of this article, head to